Accelerating the success of female founders


The fact is

Women-led businesses have been largely overlooked by the investment community.

13% of Penn Wharton founders
are women and they raise 6%
of the venture capital

We believe in

We believe in a powerful Wharton network that lifts women up and helps them succeed.

We believe in a world where any Wharton woman can start, grow and fund a wildly successful business.

We believe in a “yes bias” for Wharton women, where fellow alums take the call, make the intro and if they say “no,” they explain why.

We believe in

We believe in a powerful Wharton network
that lifts women up and helps them succeed.

We believe in a world where any Wharton woman
can start, grow and fund a wildly successful business.

We believe in a “yes bias” for Wharton women,
where fellow alums take the call, make the introand if they say “no,” they explain why.

Our Impact

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Founders, Funders and Allies
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City Chapter
Connections Made

Connecting Founders, Funders & Allies



WAFFA supports Wharton and Penn female-founded businesses by connecting with investors and allies.



WAFFA helps funders and investors build relationships with game-changing companies and expand deal pipelines.



WAFFA connects experts in finance, marketing, engineering, fundraising, pitch decks, design, operations, and more.

Directory of Penn Female-Founded Businesses

Inspiring Events

Inspiring Events

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Tree planting initiative in Green Fields Park

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Tree planting initiative in Green Fields Park

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